On May 31, the last bell rang in most educational institutions in Ukraine. In gimnasyums, this day is also the big day of graduating students, when they say goodbye to the teachers who have accompanied them for several years, their fellow students, the "walls" of the school, which, if they could talk, would tell a lot about the moments they lived.

The celebration of the graduating students of the Mukachevo Saint Stephen's Lyceum began on Friday, with a thanksgiving mass in the St. Martin's Cathedral, the main celebrant was Vicar Bishop János Molnár - deacon-parson of Beregovo, concelebrated Father István Pogány - parish priest of Munkachevo, and István Rácz - parish priest of Bene.

Father Tamás Resch, who was the lyceum's chaplain for nearly two years, could no longer attend the graduation, as he had been called back to Hungary in the meantime.

Father János built his homily around the idea of ​​thanksgiving. He emphasized the importance of Christian love, which is not an emotion, but a service; to serve each other with the talent we have been given. He also underlined the value of suffering, which no one can avoid, not even the young. He compared it to a furnace where we are getting shaped. "God guides you, knows you, calls you by name, and invites you to fellowship with Him," he concluded in particular in his celebratory address to the graduates.

There were touching moments of the celebratory mass, when the graduating students took over the bag from the 10th graders, as a symbolic sign of their journey to life, and then Father János personally blessed them.

Accompanied by the song "The old student already graduates", the graduating students marched from the church to the main hall of the lyceum, where the graduation ceremony continued according to tradition.

First, principal Olga Kristofori's greeting was given, who, quoting from King St. Stephan's Admonitions, wished the graduates that faith and a sense of identity would give them strength in the future.

After that, the speeches of thank and farewell were given one after the other. The graduating students tearfully said goodbye to their teachers, tutors, and all the employees of the institution. Class teacher Adrienn Pónitz, whose career this was the first graduating class, expressed her thanks and gratitude to her students in simple, honest words, whom, as she said, "I considered my own children".

On behalf of the parent community, Okszana Metzger thanked the staff of the lyceum. In his speech, he emphasized that they are extremely grateful to have provided a second home for their children.

Among the serious and touching moments, there were also funny ones, which were taken care of by the frames of the short film made by the graduating students.

At the end of the graduation ceremony, according to tradition, the 10th graders took over the baton of the Mukachevo Saint Stephen's Lyceum from the graduates.

A tastefully composed photo zone and a festive table set in the dining hall awaited the students to capture one of the biggest events of their lives together with their parents, fellow students, friends, and teachers, as well as reminisce about the fun moments spent at the lyceum.

The Mukachevo Saint Stephen's Lyceum welcomes students in the 2024-25 academic year as well. On August 16, from 9 a.m., it will announce additional admissions for those who were unable to go to the spring admissions, or who in the meantime had the desire to become students of the Saint Stephen's Lyceum.

Molnár M. Katalin